Friday, February 5, 2010

My Grandpa! King of the Ice!

My Grandpa is a very special person. All my life he has been there to watch me grow up. Him and my Grandma have been to so many of my sports games and I consider them two of my biggest fans. My Grandpa had 5 kids with my Grandma, and they were all born in Canada. He played professional Hockey in the NHL for many different teams. He was an amazing player and also a very good fighter on the ice. He didn't take anything from anyone, and he stood his ground. Tonight the Portland Winter Hawks are playing against Seattle at the Rose Garden. Before the game starts, my Grandpa will be recognized with some of his former teammates when they played on the Portland Buckaroo's. That was the name of the team before they became the Winter Hawks. The whole family is going to support him and then watch the game. It should be a great night and I dedicate it to my Grandpa. I love him so much and he is a big inspiration to me. Go Hawks!

" Don't ever stop believing in yourself." -Brandon Zornado

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