Thursday, February 11, 2010

Keep in touch!

Tonight I am going to hang out with my best friend from when we were kids. We use to do everything together and we went to school with each other all the way through 8th grade. After that we went to separate High Schools, so it became harder to get together because of our different schedules and all the new friends we were meeting. We managed to keep in touch every once in a while, and then when college came around we kinda lost contact. We would maybe see each other once every 8 months or so. He will always be one of my good friends, and I will never forget all the great times we had when we were kids. I am very excited to see him tonight and catch up on everything. It might be hard to see your friends all the time as you get older, but never loose contact with them.
" A friend is special, cherish your relationship with them." -Brandon Zornado

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