Friday, February 19, 2010

The power of a nap!

I have had a busy last couples days and today I woke up early and went to workout with Shelley at 24 Hour Fitness in Hilsboro right by her work then went to the store and came back home and played basketball outside. I was so exhausted and when I got inside I felt like taking a nap. I have not taken a nap forever. If I am even thinking about taking a nap then I must be really tired. I am always on the go and I have a ton of energy all the time. Today I decided to take an hour and a half nap and when I woke up I felt great. I just got back inside from playing guitar in the park and working on a song that I am writing. I got some more stuff to get done before the big Blazer game tonight and I feel energized. Power naps are suppose to be great for you as well, just a 15 to 20 minute booster. Sometime soon try to take a nap for a bit and see how you feel after. It's worth finding out.
" We need rest to keep us going." -Brandon Zornado

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