Friday, April 30, 2010


" Fight until the end, you never know what can happen during the battle."
-Brandon Zornado

Thursday, April 29, 2010

See the Light!

Things in life happen that are not planned. That is just the way it is. I know that some horrible things can happen to us and we may feel like there is no hope. It is very important to see the light ahead and know that everything will be ok. We can not always control what happens so there is no use in beating ourselves up about it. I know things are not fair and there are some really inconsiderate people in this world. What goes around comes around, do the right thing in life and be the better person.
" Things in life happen, sometimes the change the occurs makes us stronger."
-Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


" If you want to make a girl smile, give her flowers." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It will happen!

You have to believe that something good will happen. Everyone has bad days,weeks,months, even years. Stay positive and believe that there is something on the other side of the hill that will be wonderful. If you believe it deep down and you know that anything is possible then it will happen for you one day.
" Knowing is believing, and believing is seeing what is not right in front of you, but in the distance." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, April 26, 2010


" Everything happens for a reason, there is a calling for everyone." -Brandon Zornado

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Just Focus!

It is very easy to loose track of what it is you are trying to do. It really helps to focus on it and visualize the outcome. Don't let yourself over think it, just tell yourself that it is possible and you need to keep your mind in it.
" Focus will allow you to conquer your goals." -Brandon Zornado

Saturday, April 24, 2010


" You will never know what can happen if you don't take the risk." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dont Stop Believing!

If you are faced with adversity, dont give up. Tell youself that you can do it and believe in youself. There will be times when you may think that it is impossible to accomplish something, but find it inside yourself to fight and never give up.
" The fight is more important than the outcome." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


" If you have a dream, go for it and don't look back." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Good Feeling!

A good feeling is something that we all have had. When you experience it, let it be know. Show people that you are in a good mood and that you are happy. It's no fun to be sad and have other's feel sorry for you about something. Enjoy your happy moment not just with yourself but with other's as well.
" You make the moment of what your feeling." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, April 19, 2010


" If you give something up then you did it for a reason, stick to it."
-Brandon Zornado

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A New Week

Its Sunday so a new week is about to start. Think of something that you would like to work on this week and really focus on it. Pick something that might take a couple of days to accomplish so that you can say you put some time in it. This will make the week seem not so routine and it should also be enjoyable for you!
" Focus on what is in front of you." -Brandon Zornado

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A New Season!

Today was opening day for Baseball in the Portland City League and we had a game tonight. It is such a great feeling to be out on the ball field for a new season. I love all the different smells and sounds that are out on the field. It is important to do things that you enjoy, and I really enjoy playing baseball.
" Baseball is a game of inches, anything can happen so stay focused." -Brandon Zornado

Friday, April 16, 2010

Be available for other's!

I know that we all get busy and sometimes it is hard to make plans, but when you say that you are going to do something then stick to it. If you set something up and others will be involved, then give them all the info and make sure you are available to talk to them about it prior to the occasion. Other's appreciate it when you have communication and are not flaky.
" Let other's know what is on your mind, they can't read it." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, April 15, 2010


" If you cant make up your mind, let your heart do the work." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

You will know!

There might be a certain item that you are trying to find, and you just cant find the right one that you are looking for. Stop stressing over it, and don't look for it for a little bit and when you don't expect it the item will pop right out at you and you will know that you have found the perfect one that you are looking for.
" The perfect thing is worth waiting for." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


" If you stay on the train you will eventually get to your stop." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, April 12, 2010


When you find someone that you are compatible with, you have probably found the one for you. Not everyone can get along with each other and in order to be with someone for the long hall it is a must that you guys can see eye to eye.
" Sometimes the best things in life come, when you are not searching for them."
-Brandon Zornado

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Homemade guacamole!

Guacamole is very delicious no matter where you have it, but there is just something a little extra and special when it is homemade. The taste of it is so amazing and it goes well with many different things. I appreciate food more when it is homemade, and one of the best recipes is guacamole.
" Live by your own words." -Brandon Zornado

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Being exhausted is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of hard work. When you become tired, it means that you put in work to get that way. You need to give yourself some down time and relax. I know the feeling of exhaustion and believe it or not, it is a good feeling.
" You get out of it what you put into it." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


" Always be on your A-Game, you never know who is watching." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, April 5, 2010

Go see the doctor!

If you have been feeling sick for a few days and it has not gone aways, or if you injure yourself somehow, go see the doctor. You don't want anything serious to happen when you could have gotten it taken care of. The co-pay is worth the visit if you will save yourself from future illness or pain.
" A little at a time can go a long way." -Brandon Zornado

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter and didn't get sick from all the food and chocolate!
" Everyone deserves a little treat on Easter Sunday." -Brandon Zornado

Saturday, April 3, 2010


" Let each day bring something new, and have an open mind to all possibilities."
-Brandon Zornado

Friday, April 2, 2010

Stop before it gets worse!

There are things in life that you may not realize are a problem until it is too late. Certain habits that people have may be bad for them and if they continue on doing them they will regret it. If there is something that you are doing that is not good for you and you know it, then stop. You might not think that it is anything now, but it will become something. Have the power inside yourself to admit whatever it is and do something about it.
" A problem can be stopped if you do something about it." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A cozy place!

I know that when people go on vacation they want good weather. The beach is the perfect place to go, no matter what the weather is like. If it is nice outside then great, you can go for a walk on the beach or fly a kite or do many different things outside. If it is raining and stormy then you could go to a coffee house near the ocean and watch the waves, or stay in and make some food and listen to the rain hit the roof . The beach is the coziest place I have ever been and it is one of my favorite destinations.

" No matter what the weather is, you can still have a vacation." -Brandon Zornado