Saturday, July 24, 2010


" The mind can take you to places you have never been before." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Just get along!

Life is too short to not get along with people. Don't let things get to you and don't hold grudges. If something happens, then work it out and move on. Focus on things that matter, not things that don't mean anything.
" Let the little things go, and move on." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


" Life is a wonderful thing, be thankful what it gives you." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Have the right attitude!

There will be times in life when something happens that is out of your power and it frustrates you. Try to not let things affect you , and always stay positive. It is not fair when something happens and you had no control of the outcome. But you can control how you react and the attitude you have towards the situation.
" Always think of the bright side, and don't let anything change your mind."
-Brandon Zornado

Thursday, July 15, 2010


" The little surprises you do for someone is what warms up their heart."
-Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Congragulate a job well done!

When you see someone do something good, congratulate them. You don't have to go overboard and make it a big thing, but if you tell them how well they did then they will really appreciate it and hopefully return the favor when you do something good. Little jesters go a long way so recognize accomplishment.
" Showing someone that you were listening and paying attention to them is one of the biggest complements." - Brandon Zornado

Monday, July 12, 2010


" Find a way to get it done." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Keep yourself cool!

The heat wave has come here in Oregon. It isn't so bad when you are use to hot weather but when it goes from 65ish to 95 degrees the next day, that is a huge jump in temperature. Make sure that you use your air conditioning in your car if you have it and always keep yourself hydrated. The heat can really drain you down very quickly. If you can, get to a pool or a lake and enjoy yourself where you will be in some refreshing water.
" Never let your memories leave you." -Brandon Zornado

Saturday, July 3, 2010


" Always be safe, and think before you react." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Do it for someone else!

In life you need to realize that it is not all about you. You should do things for other's as well. There will be times you may not want to do something but someone else you are hanging out with does. It means a lot to other's that they have a say in things too and it is not always about what you want. The little things go a long way and people appreciate it when you show them that you care about their wants.
" Show others you care and always have an open mind to new things." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


" If you feel a certain way don't hide your feelings." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sunscreen is your friend!

The sun is out which mean it's time to hit the pool. It is very important that you wear sunscreen when you are out in the sun. The damage that the sun does to your skin is crazy and as we get get older, it gets worse. All you have to do is put some sunscreen on before you go out and you will be just fine.
" Protect the things that you are able to." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, June 28, 2010


" Don't second guess yourself, just do it." -Brandon Zornado

Friday, June 25, 2010

Benefit Yourself!

There are a lot of things that are bad for your health. It is best to try to stay away from them as much as you can. It is ok if you indulge every once in a while but try to maintain a healthy lifestyle about 80% of the time. You might not realize what you are actually doing to your body when you do it, but over time you will be affected.
" Enjoy yourself and be healthy at the same time.- Brandon Zornado

Thursday, June 24, 2010


" Practice before so you shine when it's game time." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do what you can!

You are not always going to be able to do everything so just do what you can. It is important that you are trying and putting out the effort. Sometimes we fall a little short in life, but at least we worked for it. Don't ever go out of something wishing you did more. Just do your best and that is all anyone can ask of you.
" The effort you put towards a goal is what gets you to the finish." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, June 21, 2010


" Let the sunshine warm your heart." -Brandon Zornado

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Show the Love

Today is Father's Day! Let your Dad know how much he means to you. Do something special for him and remind him of your love. Just because today is Father's Day though doesn't mean that you shouldn't show the love on other days as well.
" The thought is what counts, so think of something special." -Brandon Zornado

Friday, June 18, 2010


" Stay focused and put the ball in play." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Stay Neat!

Always try to keep your house as clean as possible. Even if you are not going to have other people over, it is still nice to have a clean home. It is not hard to keep it clean if you just do a little each day and pick up after yourself once you are done. Things can pile up very quickly and then you are going to have a big mess and chances are that you will become overwhelmed.
" Be smart, do a little at a time." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


" Keep trying until you get it right." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Never Give Up Hope

If something goes wrong in your life, you may feel very down but never give up hope. Always think positively and know that one day everything will be ok. There are some crazy things that can happen in this world, but always have faith that things will work out.
" If you believe then it can come true." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, June 14, 2010


" Just let it happen" - Brandon Zornado

Sunday, June 13, 2010

All you need is love!

It's not about all of the material things in life, it's about connection and love with someone else. You could be very poor and have someone in your life that you love and you can be happy. Just remember that you don't always need the fancy things, so live within your means and cherish what you have.
" Always show love, no matter what comes your way." - Brandon Zornado

Saturday, June 12, 2010


" You get out of life what you put into it, so don't get cheated." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, June 10, 2010


It is important to be a part of your community. Sometimes things go wrong and we the people are the ones who can fix it. Help out somehow in your community and give back. You will feel great about what you have done.
" When a community suffers damage, be apart of the rebuild." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


" Don't be a follower and do the wrong thing, be a leader and do the right thing."
-Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sharing is Caring

We don't always need everything, so why not share? If you give a little then it can go a long way. Also, you will feel good about sharing with someone else. When someone has been given something they appreciate it and are thankful. Be the person on the other end when you share something with someone and then you can have the great feeling inside of knowing what you did.
" Don't be greedy, give a little to someone else." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, June 7, 2010


" Trust in what you believe." -Brandon Zornado

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Always remember the good times!

It is very hard when you loose someone close to you, but try not to focus on the loss. Think of all the good times you had and whenever you think of them, have a smile on your face.
" Don't let a great moment get away." -Brandon Zornado

Friday, June 4, 2010


" Admit your mistakes and learn from them." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Always Be Prepared!

Even if the odds are against something happening, you should always be prepared. You need to ask yourself the question, " What if it does happen and I am not prepared?" There is nothing wrong with preparing ahead of time, the worst that could happen is that it occurs at another time and then you will be that much more prepared.
" Don't let something else control how you feel, stand out from others and be noticed." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


" Don't stress out on something you can't control." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Time Is Ticking!

Time is flying and the older you get, the faster it goes. Make sure that you are doing something productive and fun with the time that you have. It could all be over in a second, so don't let time go to waste.
" You can't get time back, so make the most of it while you have it." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, May 27, 2010


" Everyday can't be sunny, but it can still be a good day." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Find A Way!

I know it's no fun when you don't feel good. But try to find a way to not think about it and make yourself happy somehow. Everyone gets sick at times in their lives, but the one's that stay sick longer are the ones that don't do anything about it.
" When your sick, find a way to feel better." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


" Sometimes you got to just buckle down and get it done." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's A Big Day!

Have the mindset that each day is important. When you do something, do it with a purpose and always give 100 percent. Don't sell yourself short in life, be the person that you want to be and make everyday count.
" There is hidden potential in everything, if you don't look you will never find it." -Brandon Zornado

Sunday, May 23, 2010


" Everyday you wake up is a good day." -Brandon Zornado

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Express Yourself!

Whatever you feel strong about, whether it be dance, sports, music..etc, express yourself to the fullest and have fun. Don't back down from something your excited about. When you feel strong about something you have to give 100% and not let anything stop you.
" Follow your dream and one day you will succeed." -Brandon Zornado

Friday, May 21, 2010


" Don't let others get you down, find a way to be stronger than their words."
-Brandon Zornado

Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's Coming Together!

There are many things that take a while to accomplish. There are different parts that need to be taken care of first before the whole process is complete. Once you start doing different things, you realize that everything is slowly coming together. Things don't need to be done quickly, they need to be done right. Whatever it is that you are trying to accomplish, take it slow and everything will soon fall into place.
" The end result of a long process is what makes all the little things along the way worth while." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


" When you make plans stick to them, don't leave a friend hanging." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Turn it Around!

When you struggle with something that doesn't mean that you should give up. You need to focus on what you are doing and find a way to do it better the next time. So many people get down on themselves when they are not doing well at something, but that is not the attitude to have. We always need to believe in ourselves and realize that we are not perfect. Everyone will make mistakes, so do your best and turn it around.
" Let your mistakes be the fuel for your future success." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, May 17, 2010


" There is' no "I" in "team" so use others to help accomplish your goal." -Brandon Zornado

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Time For Fun!

Get out and enjoy yourself. Lay back and relax somewhere peaceful. Plan a vacation with your family or some friends and make the most of it. The summer is a time to do all the fun things outside that you can't in the Winter. The sun is a natural healer and cures most weakness. So, spend as much time in the sun as possible and have some fun!
" Soak up the sun and have some fun." -Brandon Zornado

Saturday, May 15, 2010


" It's my Birthday,wooo hoo!"

Friday, May 14, 2010


There is so much to be thankful for and enjoy. Whatever you do, make the best of it and cherish it. Summer is almost here and that means fun in the sun. Don't let someone catch you without a smile. Always be in a good mood and show others what your excited about.
" Live each moment to it's fullest." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, May 13, 2010


" When you sing Happy Birthday, let your voice be heard." Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Let it Happen!

Things don't usually change over night. You need to give them some time and wait it out. I know things can be frustrating, but getting upset will do you no good. You have to know that everything will work out for the best and it may take some time for that to happen. Life wouldn't be life if there were not challenges. The hard times are what makes us stronger.
" Hope for the best, and believe that anything is possible."